AddictiveTips reviews Text Trix

The tech website AddictiveTips picked up on Text Trix for review in the article, "TextTrix: Multi-Featured User-Friendly Text Editor With Easy Navigation Support." We were delighted that they highlighted one of favorite and most oft-used features, Line Dance, which "serves the basic need of remembering an important line in the document." It's one of those tools that helped us power through our first tXtFL 2 beta release.

We were equally delighted—and slightly amused—that they also picked up on the plug-in Letter Pulse that we've included as standard in Text Trix. Several years back, I wrote the plug-in as a birthday present to my sister. According to the article, "Another noteworthy feature it offers is Letter Pulse, which helps in finding out the hidden messages in the document." That hidden message was, "Happy birthday, Priscilla!" and I'm glad that it continues to make people happy today.


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