tXtFL Mobile 0.99.11 and 0.99.12

Over the past month we've posted a couple new tXtFL Mobile releases that brought a completely new scoreboard. Underneath it all was a completely revamped way of recording stats that's much more efficient and flexible, which translated into many new stats that are being recording during each game.

With the changes unfortunately also came a fair number of bugs, which we've been seeking to stamp out in subsequent releases. Many of these bugs had to do with the new way of recording stats as well as database upgrades. tXtFL Mobile 0.99.12 doused a number of those issues and also introduced a way to give you more control over how the database gets upgraded. Now that you may have imported entirely new leagues that you may or may not want to keep--and which may also have new versions ready for download--you can choose whether to transfer those during upgrade. You can also choose whether to keep your modifications to existing teams, keep new teams for existing leagues, or skip the data transfer entirely and take the pristine new database as is.

Since then we've also discovered a number of additional, long-standing bugs that have been fixed for the upcoming release, 0.99.13. Should any additional bugs or suggestions come your way, please let us know!


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