tXtFL Mobile 0.99.7 released

In celebration of all the NFL Draft festivities, plus Cinco de mayo on the horizon, I've released the fourth version of tXtFL on Android. This version has been baking in development for the past several months, so I hope you'll find a new football feature or two to suit your fancy. Here I'll take you on a brief tour of some of the new features in tXtFL Mobile 0.99.7.

The layout has been completely redesigned for smoother navigation. You'll notice that the options have been grouped into three columns to reduce scrolling, which will become more apparent later. Also take note of text coloring!

The three-column layout format becomes more apparent on team selection, which will hopefully save you some thumb strength by having to scroll less. If you scroll the area with the season standings, you'll also find a listing of all this week's games.

As part of the layout redesign, the game stats have been bumped to the top so that you can quickly glance at it while looking at the play results. And key play highlights are color bolded to keep the game moving even faster!

Perhaps one of the biggest additions to this release is play animation. Once you select a play, an x's and o's representation of the game should player and ball movements. If the pass is incomplete, the player fades. Note that the animation is in rather basic form for now, but I hope you'll enjoy a more visual representation of your team on the field.

Player stats and team drive histories were previously in separate screens but have now been combined in a Box Score window.

Not satisfied with game stats? You can now view all player stats by opening the stats screen. (Yes, the options menu is new, too!) If you click on individual players, you can also view stats by game.

In addition to finally including an options menu, the simulator also includes a preferences pane. Text To Speech (TTS) integration will cause the simulator to speak back plays to you. For more complete accessibility, turn on this option as well as the phone's systemwide Accessibility features. The additional preferences are game options you can tweak for more advance football features.

The new About screen shows a few hints as well as links to stay updated on the latest from tXtFL Mobile. I hope you enjoy the new release, and as always, your feedback is welcome!


  1. elias_rodriguez_jr@tmo.blackberry.net12:10 PM

    I LOVE tXtFL!

    What are the chances for a mobile version for BlackBerry's runiing OS6?

  2. Glad you like it!

    I've been reading that Blackberry has some new players for running Blackberry OS5/6 apps as well as Android apps on their new tablet (see here), and I will definitely be looking into that to get tXtFL running on the Blackberry. Hopefully they will bring Android apps to OS6 as well!


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