Tools, tools, tools...

"Tools, it's all about the tools."

That's what's been ringing through our minds for the past few months, and we've been working both to leverage existing tools as well as to create new tools for our product development. A quick glance at some of the tools that have us all excited:


Yeah, this should come as no surprise. JavaFX just "came of age" a couple weeks ago when version 1.2 came to the floor at the JavaOne conference. Perhaps more significant to early adopters was Larry Ellison's announcement that JavaFX would not only be supported alongside Java itself, but would also play a central part in Oracle/Sun's new vision for software development. That endorsement led us to believe that continuing to invest in JavaFX technologies for the software we create is a worthwhile, long-term enterprise.

Google Data API

While working with the open-source project On The Mark to take advantage of JavaFX 1.2 features, we also spawned a spin-off that makes more use of the Google Data API. The Data API allows developers to access Spreadsheets among other Google services so that spreadsheets can even become pseudo-databases for access from any machine connected to the Web. Taking advantage of these services allows our software to take the "write once, run anywhere" axiom more of a truism than we previously imagined.


Flash?! Yes, Flash. Our website design has been composed mostly of text tools, a few JavaScript libraries, and lots of elbow-grease, but we think it's high time that we integrated some Flash support. Not that we believe that websites should be fully Flash, or even that every website should have Flash, but we believe that you should have that option for the site that we design for you.

Those are a few of the tools, with more in the works and more to report later. In the meantime, I wish you a wonderful 4th of July weekend or however your holidaying!


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