Pre-release: Text Trix 0.7.1beta2, with syntax highlighting

Syntax highlighting is perhaps the single most requested feature I get for the editor. A good highlighter will identify keywords in text files and turn their plain text display into bold, colored text, and do so on-the-fly, without performance loss. Several syntax highlighters for Java programs exist, including JEdit and the Ostermiller packages.
The beauty of the Ostermiller package is its ability to integrate seamlessly with text display features already built into the Text Trix editor. Now we can view text with syntax highlighting, as with most source code editors, but we can also view it with wrap-indent, a feature that eliminates the need for horizontal scrolling while keeping the text indented for easier reading. This editor does all that without modifying the underlying text, giving you maximal control over your source code and keeping it portable for reading and modification in other editors.

This release is of course a pre-release, which means that bugs exist and feedback is welcome (as always!). If you report a bug...hopefully now with our syntax highlighter and improved word finding, we'll catch that bug must faster!
Download Text Trix 0.7.1beta2 here.
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