Website Changelog

A running tally of all things Text, at least.

v.4.0 (in progress)

-Dr. Scenario website 3.0 (first release) released concurrently with first software release (1.0beta3) (5/9/07)
-Updated About page (7/15/07)
-Replaced feed renderer with gfeedfetcher, an AJAX-based RSS reader that allows in-place loading and faster page rendering (7/24/07)
-Fixed dropdown menu links (7/24/07)
-New top bar, including an integrated search box using Google Custom Search (8/3/07)
-Text Trix website refreshed, brought up-to-date with main Text Flex website and highlighting features with screenshots on main page (10/10/07)
-tXtFL website also upgraded to main website look and feel (10/18/07)
-Page completions to bring the site up to 4.0 rc1 status. Facebox modal engine provides screen shot and full website overlays in our portfolio sections. New tables and an image refresh splash the About, Web Design and Software Development portfolios, and Contact pages, along with more description information on what we've done and what we're about. An embedded calendar and query form are new additions to the Contact page to keep folk in touch with the latest Text Flex events and offerings. (6/1/08)
-Brought Jar Ajar website up to 3.1/4.0 status (6/16/08)
-Many updates, including replacement of static blog links with news ticker, refreshed sidebar layout, clarified tXtFL download links, new tXtFL accordion feature display, and project page/wiki integration (2/13/'s been awhile since our last post!)
-Incorporating jQuery into tXtFL website, with new download controls (4/21/10)
-Brought Text Trix website up to 4.0 status (it's a moving target!) (8/7/10)

v.3.1 (completed 12/27/06)

-tXtFL website 3.0 released (12/3/06)
-Revised the mission statement for Text Flex and tXtFL and updated the corresponding graphics on the Home and About pages (12/3/06)
-Revised the support pages to reflect our emphasis on providing open source software (12/5/06)
-Upgraded Voice of Text Flex, this blog, to Blogger Beta. Improvements include a new, cleaner template, better exposed archive listing, and more introductory information (12/8/06)
-Text Trix website 3.0 released (12/19/06)
-Jar Ajar website 3.0 released (12/27/06)

v.3.0 (completed 6/29/06)

-Released 6/29/2006 after the brief stint with v.2.0 and an even briefer beta period that started on 6/26
-The goal was for a cleaner, bolder website
-The theme for the homepage: movie screen, with a central widescreen display, menu and news bar "speakers" flanking the screen, and product brower "buttons" that bordered the screen's lower edge and flipped views on the screen to images of our software
-Elements taken from our brief website-2.0 include the homepage product browser, hover-over picture browser, and the advertisement placements
-Advertisements are on the header of each page and underneath the menu/news bars on each non-homepage
-Search bar located underneath the copyright/official-stuff notices at the bottom of the page, with a link on the menu bar
-Images of niece/nephew finally added to the support pages

Bug fixes and enhancements:
-Switched from Crossfade to Image Thumbnail Viewer II after testing revealed that Crossfade operations required image loading elsewhere on the page in Firefox; the Crossfade crossfade function was also no longer necessary, in favor of immediate image swapping (6/29/2006)
-Turned on the preload function in the Image Thumbnail Viewer II after testing exposed a less-than-pleasant experience for users on a slower network (6/30/2006)
-Fixed the product showcase image bouncing and load failures by presetting the table cell width for the showcase to prevent repetitive loading (7/6/2006)


-Released post-6/6/2006 after a brief beta stage on our beta home,
-Featured an image viewer highlighting newsworthy photo shoots and showcasing our software
-A product browser on the homepage replaced the separate products page in an effort to bring the specifics of our software to the forefront
-Advertisements were expanded and repositioned to the head of the page and underneath the sidebar navigation panel
-Ended up looking a bit more like a news site than a software site


-Released pre-6/6/2006 as the conglomerate of minor bug fixes and content clarifications made prior to the 2.0 release


-Released 2/7/2005 as the culmination of incremental improvements over a year
-Notable for the introduction of advertisements and an rss feed from our new blog, Voice of Text Flex


-Released 4/1/2004--not an April Fools Joke, believe it or not
-Established our basic structure of homepage, products, and support
-Homepage remarkable for a brief introduction and side-by-side columns of news and "journal"
-Introduced the flexible pencil logo


-Released 2003 as a placeholder for newer and better things


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